We celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday at 9:30 am as well as special services at Christmas and Easter. Our usual pattern is to use the contemporary version (Rite II) of the various sacramental liturgies in the Book of Common Prayer. Services are supported by our orgamist/pianist, lectors, chalice bearers, greeters, and our altar guild.
Normally, the Eucharist is held in the church but we have been experimenting with having the service in the Parish Hall in the summer with the thought of reducing electrical usage by not having to air condition the church. The summer service is informal , no choir but hearty singing from the participants, and we use one of the alternative liturgies authorized by the Church. We also enjoy having special services including Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve, a procession from the palapa to the church on Palm Sunday, and, during Holy Week, we have the traditional services culminating in the Easter Vigil. On Easter Day, there is a widely attended ecumenical Easter Sunrise service on the hill behind the Methodist Church after which we have a simple communion service at our church as well as the regular 9:30 service. Fellowship follows each Sunday service with refreshments provided by parishioners. This is an opportunity to get to know some of the members of St. Barnabas. We take great pride in trying to make newcomers feel welcome. |
If you would like to get a feel for what a normal service is like the link below is to a YouTube recording of a recent service. It should give you a sense of what a normal Sunday service is like. The sermons are also linked individually on the "Sermons" pages of this site.
We also make our weekly servicce available by Zoom for those who are unable to join us in person for whatever reason, from being away for the season to physical inability to make it to church or simple choice. There is a linki to the Zoom services on the Home Page.