“As a community, we are devoted to building a harmonious, fully inclusive, group of loving Christians who are engaged, passionate and spiritually healthy. Jesus himself set an example of service, which St. Barnabas will use as the basis for making a compassionate impact in the community and the world. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and our resourcefulness, we believe we will be able to accomplish our vision.”
The St. Barnabas community is a diverse group of people who love each other and rejoice in our diversity. Some of us live in Borrego full time, others of us are here for the winter. There are couples and singles, old and youngish (this is a retirement community after all!), straight and gay, rich and poor, all gathering to share our devotion to God and our desire to reach out, as Jesus showed us, to spread his love to the world around us.
Our goals for the future include an increase in numbers and expanding our involvement in, and support for, the community to include things we do not yet know. The one thing we do know is that St. Barnabas will continue to build on our record of social action, adhering always to Christ’s directive to “love one another”. The very foundation of the St. Barnabas of the future will continue to be based in Love: Love for one another and Love for the stranger at the door, no longer a stranger once he/she passes through the portals of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Borrego Springs, California.